Kris Gholson

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Gospel According to Matthew Bible Study

Chapter 17

Book Four: Jesus Instructs Peter and the Twelve, Narrative: Various Travels and Miracles of Jesus


(Questions 2-10 from Jeff Cavin led Bible study on the Book of Matthew “The King and His Kingdom”)

  1. (1-8) The OT background for this event is God’s self-revelation to Moses on Mt. Sinai.
    • Both take place on the seventh day. Ex 24:16
    • Both occur on a mountain. Ex 24:13-15
    • Both Jesus and Moses take 3 companions with them. Ex 24:1
    • The faces of both Jesus and Moses shine with shine with God’s glory. Ex 34:29
    • Both involve the glory cloud of God’s presence. (see next bullet)
    • Both events involve God speaking through a heavenly voice. Ex 24:16
  2. (1) Six days later, who does Jesus take up a mountain, and what is revealed to them there? In what way will this experience prove significant for the apostles later on? 2 Peter 1:17-18
  3. (3) Moses and Elijah represent the Law and the Prophets. Why do you think these two “greats” appear on the mountain for this occasion? Sirach 48:10 From Luke’s Gospel, we know that on this occasion, Moses and Elijah speak with Jesus about his “exodus, which he was to accomplish at Jerusalem” Luke 9:30-31. What does calling it an “exodus” add to the disciples’ understanding of Jesus’ mission?
  4. (4) Peter wants to extend Moses’ and Elijah’s stay by building tents for them. What do we learn by the fact that they do not stay? Matt 9:17
  5. (1-8) How does the Transfiguration relate to our own hopes for the future? 2 Cor 3:18
  6. (14-23) Why are the disciples unable to drive the demon from the man’s son? Mark 9:29 What does Jesus say they need? What do you make of the disciples’ failure?
  7. (22-23) Jesus again says he will be betrayed, killed, and raised to life on the third day. The first time he said this in Matt 16:21-22, Peter was shocked, and the disciples misunderstood him. Do they understand him this time? How do you know? By the time Peter wrote his epistles, his view of Christ’s suffering—and of suffering in general—had changed markedly. Read 1 Peter 1:6-8, 4:12-13, 5:10. Do you think witnessing the Transfiguration had an impact on his change of view? Explain your answer.
  8. (24-27) The half-shekel tax (literally, didrachma—“two-drachma tax”) represented about two days’ wages; it was an annual tax on adult males for the Temple upkeep and was a symbol of the people’s redemption, or purchase, from Egypt. Who does Jesus say is exempt from the tax, and why? By implication, of whom is he speaking specifically?
  9. (24-27) If they are exempt, why does Jesus ask Peter to pay the tax for the two of them?
  10. (24-27) Do you think Jesus accomplishes more by submitting to the authorities in this way than he would by insisting on his rights?

Primary Resources

Secondary Resources

Logical Daily Gospel Exegesis (Hayden)

The Bible in a Year Podcast (Fr. Mike)