Gospel According to Matthew Bible Study
Chapter 14
Book Four: Jesus Instructs Peter and the Twelve, Narrative: Various Travels and Miracles of Jesus
Questions (3-5, 7-9 are from Jeff Cavin led Bible study on the Book of Matthew “The King and His Kingdom”)
- (1-12) The coverage of Herod’s execution of John the Baptist is a slight flashback in time. Why might Matthew have included the coverage of John’s death? And why might he have included it at this point in his Gospel? This episode is followed shortly by Jesus’ feeding of the 5000 (13-21). John the Baptist “is Elijah who is to come” (11:14). What OT prophet followed Elijah (after Elijah was taken up to heaven) and had a double share of Elijah’s spirit? What are some examples of the miracles that that prophet performed? (2 Kings 4 and especially note 2 Kings 4:42-44)
- (13-21) Jesus’ feeding of the (way more than) 5000 is important and anticipates the Eucharist. Consider …
- it is the only miracle of Jesus (other than the Resurrection) to appear in all 4 Gospel accounts
- the similarity of the feeding of the 5000 in the lonely place to God’s feeding of Israel in the desert with manna
- the formulaic verb usage (taking … blessed … broke … gave) in verse 19 and the Last Supper Matt 26:26, Mk 14:22 and on the road to Emmaus Lk 24:30
- that John’s Gospel draws attention to the fact that the feeding of the 5000 occurs when “Passover, the feast of the Jews, was at hand.” Jn 6:4
- in John’s Gospel (the only one that does not include the institution of the Eucharist during the Last Supper), John includes the Bread of Life Discourse Jn 6:58-59 the day after the feeding of the 5000.
- (15-18) Contrast the disciples’ reaction to the needs of the crowd with Jesus’ response to their needs.
- (16) Jesus asks his disciples to do something that is humanly impossible. What do you think the disciples learn from this experience? What did Jesus tell the apostles about the kingdom of heaven in the parables of the mustard seed and the leaven?
- (19) Notice that Jesus does not feed the people himself; he has his disciples pass around the bread and fish in his name; and by his power, they distribute abundance from their meager store. Do you see a parallel to this in the Church today? Is it significant that in Mark and Luke’s versions of the story the crowd is divided into small companies?
- (20) The meal was superabundant; there were 12 baskets left over (more food than they started with). Why the number 12? Keep the combination “5000 men with 12 baskets leftover” in mind when we reach the later feeding of the 4000 (“4000 men with 7 baskets left over”).
- (22-33) It is not the storm that first frightens the disciples but the sight of Jesus walking toward them. How does Jesus respond to their fear? (Note: “It is I” is literally “I am” or “Yahweh”—the name God revealed to Moses at the burning bush and Israel’s covenant name for God.)
- (30) When Peter realizes it is Jesus, his immediate response is to ask Jesus to permit him to walk on the water. What causes Peter to doubt after his initial success?
- (33) What significant confession do the disciples make after this event, and how does it contrast with their reaction the first time they saw Jesus’ power over a storm? (For help with this question, see Matt 8:23-27.)
Primary Resources
Logical Daily Gospel Exegesis (Hayden)
The Bible in a Year Podcast (Fr. Mike)